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The groups ini type has two main purposes:

  • Set locked gates in both Singleplayer and Multiplayer
  • Set faction affiliations between them and define a few of their basic properties.

Vanilla Examples

  • DATA\initialworld.ini



This section can only be used once, preferrably at the top of the file.

locked_gate = INT ; optional, repeatable
npc_locked_gate = INT ; optional, repeatable
locked_gateRange: +-infty

Locked gates are any dockable objects (jump gate, jump hole, bases) which cannot be used by both the NPC and the player. Docking with them is possible but results in a "Docking denied" message. The value is a hashcode of the gate's nickname.

NOTICE: For multiplayer servers, any locked gate is saved in a player's file upon creation! This means if the locked gates are modified, a Player Wipe or the use of a tool which would update locked gate entries on all player files is required.
npc_locked_gateRange: +-infty

Similar to locked gates, NPC locked gates only affect NPCs. They can also be modified without the need for any update on the player files in multiplayer.


This section can be used multiple times.

nickname = STRING
ids_name = INT
ids_info = INT
ids_short_name = INT
rep = FLOAT, STRING ; repeatable
nicknameSee Nickname Resource for more information.
ids_nameSee Name Resource for more information.
ids_infoSee Infocard Resource for more information.
ids_short_nameSame as ids_name, it holds the short name of the faction (Navy VS Liberty Navy).
repSubvalues: REP, FACTION

Range: -1 to 1. REP sets the faction's stance towards another faction. -0.6 makes the faction hostile towards the faction set by the FACTION value. 0.6, on the contrary, makes it friendly. Anything in-between is considered neutral. The exact value is used by NPCs to determine on which side to fight if a friendly faction is attacked by another. This also is the case with players which have an active faction affiliation.

NOTICE: The stance set here is one-way. The faction defined by the FACTION value is not affected by the section. For instance, if this section defines the Liberty Navy [Group] nickname = li_n_grp With a hostile reputation towards the Outcasts rep = -0.65, fc_ou_grp The Outcasts will NOT be hostile towards the Liberty Navy unless the same thing is done in their section [Group] nickname = fc_ou_grp (...) rep = -0.65, li_n_grp

NOTICE 2: In most cases, it is generally a good idea to set the faction's stance with itself as 0.91: [Group] nickname = li_n_grp (...) rep = 0.91, li_n_grp