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Example File


General description goes here. If multiple files link to the same page (through a REDIRECT link), please list all pages that refer to this page.


Notable information about the ini syntax goes here.

Vanilla Examples

If relevant examples of the filetype in vanilla freelancer should be listed here with their full path:

  • DATA\MISSIONS\ENCOUNTERS\area_armored_prisoner.ini
  • DATA\MISSIONS\ENCOUNTERS\area_armored_prisonerarea_scout.ini
  • DATA\MISSIONS\ENCOUNTERS\area_armored_prisonerminingp_scavenger.ini

For INI types:

If there are specificities about how sections are ordered/linked, they should appear here. Each section in the INI should be listed afterwards in this manner:

ABC Section

[Section Name]
param = VALUE_TYPE ; comment (if necessary)

VALUE_TYPE can be any of the following:

  • INT (integer, both positive or negative)
  • FLOAT (floating point/decimal value, also positive or negative)
  • STRING (text)
  • PATH (file path)
  • BOOL (true or false)

If subvalues are given, optional subvalues can be expressed in parenthesis (IE: param = A, (B)) to denote the optional character of the value. If subvalues can be repeated endlessly and share the same purpose, one value can be shown, followed by an ellipsis (...) (IE: param = A, B, C, ... with all values following C behaving in the same way as C).

comment can be any of the following:

  • optional (the whole parameter is not always necessary)
  • repeatable (the whole parameter can be written more than once)

Please avoid writing information in the comment where possible and use the below table instead.

paramIf a parameter is a number: Range: X to Y (use +-infty for no limit, say -infty to 0).

If a parameter has subvalues (separated by commas): Subvalues: A, B, C. (optional) can be added to any value to denote it is not necessary (IE Subvalues: A (optional), B.)

Description of the parameter.
paramSecond param