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Damage, Repair and Collision Offsets


  • All offsets are for files from the official 1.1 patch.
  • Numbers are in hexadecimal, or suffixed to indicate their type:
ffloat4 bytes
ddouble8 bytes
iinteger4 bytes
bbyte1 byte (-128 to 127)

A value like "0F 85 -> 90 E9" means replace the original bytes on the left with the new bytes on the right. (The bytes are given in file order, they don't represent a number like the offset.)

Damage, Repair and Collision

Default ValueFileOffsetByDescription
0C -> 00server.dll00960CM0tahFix explosion damage not causing full damage (or no damage) on large ships and bases.
D9 44 24
C2 08 00
server.dll00AFC0adoxaEnergy weapons don't damage power.
1E -> 0Ecommon.dll04B4D2adoxaExclude cloaking device from total hit points (Part 1).
1E -> 0Ecommon.dll04B582adoxaExclude cloaking device from total hit points (Part 2).
1E -> 0Ecommon.dll04B63EadoxaExclude cloaking device from total hit points (Part 3).
0.05fserver.dll08551CadoxaMinimum fraction of damage required in order to use bots/batts (in other words, if your Nanobot heals 1000 damage, you will need to have at least 50 points of damage to be able to repair).
E9 -> 00freelancer.exe0B3C42adoxaItems with "ids_name = 0" show up in repair list.
0.01fcommon.dll0EDB44w0dk4Collision detection min check distance (increasing this will fix issues with the sur collisions on objects > 130k from center of system).
EB 26 -> 8B C8server.dll00A46CadoxaIgnore armor when determining radiation damage. (Part 1).
66 81 7C E4 04 5A 13 74 E2 91 EB CE
90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90
server.dll00A494adoxaIgnore armor when determining radiation damage. (Part 2).