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Mission 2

Mission Available

Once this mission becomes available, the following news and rumours are available to read.


Those news are displaying a possibly Liberty-biased perspective.

Liberty Imposes Artifact Ban

President Jacobi announced today that, based on the appearance of new, unstudied, and potentially dangerous classes of Artifacts in Liberty, she is temporarily suspending all Artifact trading, pending further investigation. Despite initial protests, she has assured trade union reps that they will be adequately compensated and that, once evaluated, regulated trading will resume. Authorities have asked all citizens to comply with this temporary precaution until more can be learned.

Big Guns Stand Vigil at Our Gates

Responding to the public outcry on security issues, the government has now placed battleships at all Jump Gates on Liberty’s borders. Though some citizens are comforted by Liberty’s actions for better protection from both foreign attack and domestic smuggling and crime, others are concerned over the freedoms we might be sacrificing as we resort to potentially harsher military involvement to maintain security.

Trouble in Zone 21?

Civilian listening posts reported an unusual disturbance coming from Zone 21. Despite its exaggerated reputation among conspiracy buffs as an area for so-called “secret research,” navy officials say that Zone 21 is only used for legitimate weapons testing and strategic training. They had no comment at this time about the disturbance.

Evidence Pointing to The Order

The LSF today has said that between the material retrieved from the Freeport 7 site and the weight of survivor testimony, there is sufficient evidence to support allegations that The Order did in fact participate in the Freeport 7 attack. Though officials have yet to ascribe a motive to The Order’s actions, or the exact weapons used, this new evidence has caused them to narrow their focus to establish an “operative presence” onboard the station before its destruction. They are now 100 percent confident that at least one Order member was on Freeport 7 hours before it was destroyed.

Some FP7 Survivors Dead, Missing

Doctors at the Williams-Creek Medical Center have reported several deaths in Ward 13, the sealed treatment facility for the survivors of Freeport 7. “These deaths are regrettable,” they say, but not surprising due to their extensive injuries. However, we’ve also learned that at least one patient appears to be unaccounted for at this time. Though doctors and LSF officials refused to comment, we understand that hospital security is looking into the matter.

FP7 Manifest Sought

As investigators search the Freeport 7 wreckage for clues, the one missing piece of the puzzle appears to be the station’s manifest. Once the manifest has been found and analyzed, authorities believe they will be able to accurately depict the final hours of the station right down to who was present on it, what ships were docked, and perhaps even how it might have been destroyed.

Orillion Named as Order leader

Today the President announced two contributions that advanced the exposure of The Order’s leadership infrastructure: evidence provided by the LSF, and the decoded transmission from Zone 21. Jacobi says that there are repeated references to a single individual known only as “Orillion.” LSF analysts believe this to be a codename. The President says that now it is only a matter of time before The Order will be rooted out and brought to justice.
