Crash Offsets & Reverse Engineering

Efforts to reverse-engineer and document the internal workings of Freelancer’s binary files.

3 Topics 1.3k Posts
  • Dev's Limit Breaking 101 Techniques

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    1k Posts

    I’ve added every URL and timestamp I could find on the former ‘Misc’ section. In this search for URLs I noticed that some of the offsets were miscredited, e.g.

    “don’t show the unknown graphics card warning” was already found by OutCast in 2011; and “Name of folder where FLSpew.txt is stored” is actually found by HeIIoween in 2015.

    @IrateRedKite I like your recategorization of the Misc section 🙂 However, we now have an ‘equipment’ section and an ‘Equipment’ section which are actually distinct. Also, the sync between the payload and Laz’s page seems to be lost, is this indeed the case?

  • 0 Votes
    2 Posts

    0x00549BC0 Freelancer sub

    esp+4 =
    0x00678BA4 first person
    0x00678D48 third person

  • Crash Offsets

    0 Votes
    219 Posts

    Unfortunately I’ve been unable to reliably replicate this one and haven’t been able to get the game to crash in the same area again! I’ve made a note so it should flag up the next time it occurs while I’m testing. If I can reliably get it crashing I’ll try running it with my client hooks w/ the debugger attached, and if that fails, with OllyDbg